Truck Driver Jobs Milwaukee WI

We are currently hiring for drivers in the Midwest!

The side of a Stoller truck

Find Work You Love with Truck Driver Jobs for Milwaukee WI

Unless you’ve found your dream job, finding work you love can be challenging if you’re dissatisfied with your current profession. If so, why not consider a completely unique career change set apart from your current profession? Truck driver jobs in Milwaukee WI are in high demand, with local trucking companies always looking for new or experienced drivers. Stoller Trucking welcomes all new and experienced drivers; whether fresh off a career change or advancing your trucking career, you can find a place with our Stoller Family.

What Does Truck Driving Have to Offer?

Do you want flexible hours? Are you looking for consistent work and pay? Were your last job’s perks and benefits not enough? You’re sure to find truck driver jobs in Milwaukee WI to be the answer to your professional concerns! Trucking jobs offer advantages such as:

  • No College Degree Required – Societal expectations say you need a college degree for a decent job. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! New truck drivers can earn their Commercial Drivers License (CDL) within at least seven weeks and be on the road and working for trucking companies shortly after.
  • Excellent Job Availability – There’s no shortage of work in trucking. With consumer demands continually increasing, so is the need for more drivers! As a truck driver, you are guaranteed consistent work and job security.
  • Flexibility as Independent Drivers – If you prefer the power to choose and like the idea of “being your own boss,” independent driving is your best option. Outside of running your own business, few professions offer greater freedom and flexibility than truck driver jobs.
  • High-Income Range – On average, new truck drivers earn around 70K annually, a great starting income for any profession! Additionally, with advancement opportunities and excellent benefits, truck driving can provide you or your family with the financial support you require.
  • A Change of Pace – For some, a simple change of pace is enough to encourage a switch to truck driving. Trucking is a unique profession, with work that takes drivers to beautiful sights, famous landmarks, and breathtaking vistas across our country.

Our Truck Driver Jobs

New indepdent driver meeting Stoller driver for their new Truck Driver Jobs in Milwaukee WI

At Stoller Trucking, we help our drivers fit into the roles that best fit their work styles and preferences. For example, a structured work environment can be achieved through company driving, while greater freedom and flexibility are possible with independent driving.

  • Company Driving – Stoller’s company drivers work directly with our internal teams and dispatch crews. As a company driver, you’ll receive trucks, equipment and routes from Stoller. Our company drivers can also take advantage of company insurance programs, truck maintenance covered by Stoller’s body shop, and additional benefits.
  • Independent Driving – Stoller’s independent drivers work with Stoller’s teams but have the autonomy to work and operate as they choose. As an owner-operator or independent carrier, you are responsible for your truck and equipment and might be required to operate under Stoller’s trucking authority. However, you can access Stoller’s extensive list of routes, receiving a higher percentage of commission for each job completed.

Give Us a Call

If you are tired of your old job and profession, find exciting and rewarding work with Stoller Trucking’s truck driver jobs for Milwaukee WI. To learn more about our company or job opportunities, contact us today at 309-308-1630 or via our contact form or email: Apply for a job with Stoller Trucking!